March 10, 2012

Caught On Camera 4

No one said live TV was easy, but that doesn't stop us enjoying a chuckle
when it all goes wrong. This week in Caught On Camera we take a look at three on-
air gaffes.

Oh Boy...

Tony Greig's analysis stretches beyond on-field events
during this Test between Australia and South Africa in Sydney as the camera picks
out a lady that takes his fancy in the crowd.

Nass Attack

David Gower is enjoying England's serene progress during the Brisbane Test during
the last Ashes Nasser Hussain makes a painful intervention.

Size Does Matter

And finally, our weekly offering from our friends at as
Channel Ten News anchor Belinda Heggen cuts Mark Aiston down to size with a low
blow. Ouch!

Click here to take a look at last
week’s Caught On Camera

If you’ve come across any videos that have tickled your fancy or funnybone
and reckon they’d fit the bill for Caught On Camera, send your suggestions to

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About World Sport Bloopers

World Sport Bloopers was created following the frustration of using video sites. Many offered videos that were filed under 'funny' or 'humor' but were not specific to sport. It required a lot of searching to find what we wanted. Even when you found the video, it was often edited poorly or inserted in a news segment so it had less impact.

World Sport Bloopers is inspired by UK shows like Fantasy Football (hosted by comedians David Baddiel and Frank Skinner), the eccentric Frenchman Remi Gaillard and US shows like Jackass. We aim to bring you the best bloopers, fails and WTF moments. We hope you enjoy the site!!